Friday, August 13, 2010

Filer-Sadlek Post 954 is located at 156 Franklin St., Jefferson, PA. (Greene County). Post 954 is located within the 25th District, Department of Pennsylvania. This Post was chartered in 1946 and its first Commander was Thomas Smith.

Post meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday, each month, at 8:00 pm, except July when the Department Convention is held.

Post officers for 2014 - 2015 are:

Commander - Tom Shumaker

1st Vice - Charles N. Snyder

2nd Vice - Ronald Shaffer

Adjutant -Thomas W. Huffman

Finance Officer - Jim Gallentine

Chaplain - Robert A. Harry

Historian - Tom Shumaker

Service Officer - Tom Shumaker

Sgt-At-Arms - C.A. Murray

Judge Advocate - Tom Shumaker

The following members of Post 954 have passed away and will be memorialized during our Post Everlasting Ceremony on Veterans Day:


Joseph W. Adamson

Albert J. DeVito

Ivan Guesman

Charles J. "Radar" Halmos

John T. Howes

Steve Kramrich, Jr.

Ronald Z. Krivitsky

James W. Maize

George L. Misher

Richard H. Ryan

George Sepac

James H. Tharp

Mike F. Yankura

In memory of our deceased comrades, Post 954 donates $20.00 each to the Department of Pennsylvania Scholarship Endowment Fund

Students of Jefferson-Morgan H.S. who assisted Post 954 members in placing flags on veterans' graves at Greene County Memorial Park (May 27, 2011)

John Titus receives the Distinguished Service Award at the 2010 Department Convention.
Pictured with John are daughers Jean & Cindy; Sons-in-law; great-grandson & Kit Watson.

Post 954 will hold its annual Veterans Day parade and program on Tuesday, November 11, 2014.  Units participating in the parade will meet at the fire hall at 10:15 am and the parade will begin at approximately 10:40 am, stopping in front of the Post home at 11:00 am for a 21-gun salute.  The parade will then proceed to the Jefferson-Morgan High School for a program.  The speaker will be Past Western Vice Commander, Tom Shumaker, who is now the Commander of Post 954.  Following the speaking program, the Post Everlasting ceremony will be conducted.

An essay contest is held for students in grades 5 - 8.  The topic for those in grades 6 - 8 is "Should Violent Video Games Be Banned?"  Why?  The State Essay program for grades 9 - 12 begins with the first selection at the school by February 7, 2015.  The topic is:  "What is the American Legion and What Does It Do as an Organization?"  .Awards for the 1st, 2nd & 3rd place winners in the State is $3500; $3000. & $2500.  The contest for grades5 - 8 is 1st place, $50.00 & 2nd place $25.00.

The Post Honor Guard is seeking members to participate at military funerals.  Shirts, belts & trousers are being purchased by the Post.  If you are interested, please contact the Commander at 724-377-0632, or contact a member that you may know.

Several years ago, Post 954 implemented the Robert E. Titus Educational Award, in memory of Past Post Commander & charter member, Robert E. Titus. The Post awards a monetary gift to those students who placed #1 in their 10th & 11th grade classes in the previous academic year.

 On November 6th, Commander Shumaker will be speaking to students in grades 7 & 8 about veterans.  The teacher, Robert Ardeno, is supportive of the veterans & has invited a veteran to come and speak to his students.

Membership dues are now $25.00 annually.  When remitting your 2014-2015 dues, remember to send $25.00, not $23.00.

Post 954 is proud of its auxiliary and how they have contributed to our post. The officers of Unit 954 ALA for 2011-2012 are:

President....................................Carol Randolph
1st VP.........................................Carol Harrison
2nd VP.......................................Pat Lawrence
Secretary...................................Shirley Boord
Chaplain....................................Thelma Handford
Sgt-At-Arms..............................Vann Walchock

We are also proud that many of those have achieved a higher status within the Department of PA.
Past Dep't. Pres...............................Ann Coneybeer
Past Western VP............................Carol Harrison
Past Western VP............................Ann Coneybeer; Pat Lawrence
Past Dist. Pres...............................Ann Coneybeer; Pat Lawrence; Carol Harrison; Carol Randolph

American flags, made in the USA, are available at the Post for $8.00.
